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Quick-Install LED Commercial Recessed Can Retrofits
These easy-to-install LED Commercial Recessed Can Retrofits are the most efficient and affordable retrofits you can put in your commercial space. The compact size of these powerful fixtures makes them extremely valuable in the architectural market. LED retrofits save up to 40% of the energy consumed by traditional fluorescent recessed fixtures and create much less heat which further reduces your cooling costs. For installation anywhere from hospitals to offices, these retrofits will offer even i
June 6, 2018
Save Time with Ultra-Thin Recessed Lights
The same technology that drives LED flat panels is now being used to bring new options to the recessed can product lines. These ultra-thin LED recessed lights can be used to light everything from attics to basements as well as office spaces and corridors. Their thin design lets them fit in even the tightest spaces and they can be installed from below, saving countless man hours and having to crawl around in attics.
RelightDepot has recently added the full line of StarLED's ultra-thin recesse
November 1, 2017
Quick-Ship LED Linear Lighting
Many of our customers find us when looking for LED linear lighting fixtures. These fixtures are very popular with designers but have notoriously long lead times and are typically very expensive. Designers love them because they give a very clean and modern aesthetic for commercial spaces, dental and medical offices or any space with an open ceiling plan. What many of these designers don't always know is that their choice for linear LED fixtures can make or break the lighting budget and wreak hav
September 5, 2017
Led Tube Lights: Picking the Right LED Tube for Your Application
For the billions of square feet of commercial real estate that have not undergone a lighting upgrade within the last several years, LED tube lights are the quickest and easiest way to reduce energy consumption and lower monthly utility bills. LED tubes have come a long way since they were first released, with improvements in light output, color rendering, and lifespan coming at each iteration. Through each generation, manufacturers have been able to reduce the cost and improve their process. For
October 20, 2015
Infographic: Outdoor Lighting Rebates
BriteSwitch, a utility rebate management company, just published this interesting infographic on the value of the average outdoor lighting rebate by fixture type and light source. The infographic, embedded below, lists the average dollar value for rebates on pole lighting, wall packs, canopy lighting and bollard lighting fixtures based on BriteSwitch's North American Rebate and Incentive Database. It's interesting to see that LED lighting is the clear winner in terms of rebate dollars offered.
September 18, 2014
Options for Office Lighting Fixtures
Choosing the right office lighting fixtures for your lighting project doesn't have to be a chore. With a little planning and basic research, you can improve the lighting in your office and reduce your operating costs in one fell swoop. The type of fixtures that you can choose from will mainly depend on the type of ceiling in your office space. We’ll discuss the different options for the most popular commercial ceiling types and provide links to recommended fixtures. As always, if you need any he
May 30, 2014
DOE Funds 17 Solid State Lighting Projects
The National Energy Technology Lab has announced on behalf of the US Department of Energy that it is funding 17 solid state lighting projects with over $37M of American Recovery and Reinvestment funds. The goal of the solid state lighting project is to develop advanced solid-state lighting technologies by the year 2025 that, compared to conventional lighting technologies, are much more energy efficient, longer lasting, and cost competitive by targeting a product system efficiency of 50 percen
January 19, 2010