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Energy Efficiency News and Lighting Retrofit Success Stories

Florida Energy Efficient Lighting Rebates

While replacing existing lighting fixtures with energy efficient fixtures such as T5s and T8s will certainly help reduce your electricity bill, several of Florida’s electric companies offer Florida Lighting Rebates/Incentives.  The Florida Lighting Rebates will help reduce the cost of purchasing new lighting fixtures. Florida Power & Light  (FPL) Lighting Rebates As of May 2012, FPL through its Interior Building program provides between 65 cents to $3 for each linear fluorescent lamp as a lighting rebate.   For more information on FPL’s lighting rebates, please go … Continue reading

May 16, 2012 by Ray De Varona.

Calculating the Return on Investment for Lighting Retrofit Projects

Calculating the Return on Investment for Lighting Retrofit Projects
As much as I don't like it, lighting retrofit projects for warehouses and commercial offices have to compete for corporate funds just like all other projects. If it was up to me, lighting retrofits would just be given the green light and prioritized above all other capital requests, and corporations large and small would come flocking to RelightDepot for their energy efficient lighting needs. In the real world, project sponsors have to justify why they want to spend money on new lights if the existing ones work just fine. The most common way to do that is by building a b … Continue reading

January 26, 2012 by Ray De Varona.

15% Cash Bonus for Qualifying Ameren Illinois Lighting Upgrades

It's February and Ameren Illinois' Act On Energy ® program is offering a sweet deal!  For all new applications submitted from February 14th through March 31st of 2011 that include electric measures, an additional 15% cash bonus will be added on top of the incentive.  This could improve your project's ROI and increase your incentives for high bay lighting replacements and other non-T12 retrofits.  Since the T12 lighting phase-out program already pays a 10% bonus, T12 measures are not eligible for this 15% bonus.  The current 10% bonus for T12 lighting upgrades offers th … Continue reading

February 12, 2011 by Ray De Varona.

Efficiency Vermont Enhances Lighting Rebate Program

Efficiency Vermont, Vermont's statewide provider of energy efficiency services, has announced a new program promoting the replacement of T12 and HID High-Bay lighting with more efficient technology.  The newLIGHT program is being made available from April 1st to December 31st, 2010, and is offering businesses significantly enhanced rebates for upgrading their old T12 fluorescent and HID high-bay lighting systems to more efficient equipment.  This comes as the Department of Energy has passed new regulations that will ban the manufacture of T12 fluorescent lamps for sal … Continue reading

April 13, 2010 by Ray De Varona.

RelightDepot.com Lighting Audit Form

RelightDepot.com Lighting Audit Form
We have performed many lighting audits for warehouses and industrial facilities across the country.  In doing this, we have developed a very simple form that captures all of the pertinent information for a lighting audit in a single sheet of paper.  We are happy to share this form with you in hopes that it makes assessing your building's potential for a lighting retrofit easier. The form itself is very simple.  The Customer Information section captures the contact details for the company that owns the building being audited along with the utility company and the rate … Continue reading

April 12, 2010 by Ray De Varona.

T5HO Fluorescent Lighting Video

While doing some research last week, I bumped into this great video that was put together by the folks at ElectricTV.net.  I was surprised to see the logo of one of our sister sites towards the end, so I decided to reach out and ask if they would let us embed the video here.  It's great to see all of the points we've been stressing about T5HO high bay lighting being repeated by a professional organization like NECA and IBEW. ElectricTV.net is the on-line “Television network” of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and their contractors, The National Ele … Continue reading

April 6, 2010 by Ray De Varona.