Exit Signs

Exit Signs

One of the most important lighting components of the emergency lighting system in commercial spaces is the exit sign. In the case of emergencies, these exit signs will help guide occupants to find the quickest and safest way out of a building.

During normal operation when the power is on, the exit signs will signal a building's exit path through bright red or green lettering.  However, when there is a power outage, the exit sign's battery will activate and turn the sign's lights on for a minimum of 90 minutes. These battery-operated signs utilize an LED light to cast a powerful glow that helps people find the exit.

Life safety and municipal building codes across the country dictate where to locate exit signs for many types of buildings. To help people find the exit as quickly as possible, exit signs should be located above doors leading to building exits.  These should be clearly visible with an unobstructed view. If the exit directions are not obvious, install an exit sign with directional arrows pointing to the direction of the nearest exit. 

Standard exit signs are for use in indoor spaces and are available in a variety of styles.  Our most popular model, the Rounded Compact Thermoplastic Exit Sign, features a universal mounting system that can be installed onto a wall or ceiling, field-removable directional chevrons, and universal single or double face kit.  Other exit signs are available that can be recessed into T-grid ceiling tiles or even into outdoor locations such as parking garages, outdoor facilities, or other wet areas.

If you need help finding the perfect exit sign, contact one of our experts and we'll walk you through all of your options!