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Energy Efficiency News and Lighting Retrofit Success Stories

LED Lighting is the Smart Choice for Industrial Facilities

LED Lighting is the Smart Choice for Industrial Facilities
With the rising concern over energy costs, LED lighting has become the go-to illumination source for reducing a company's electric bill.  Many designers, however, believe that the cost of LED lighting is still too high to justify them for large-scale industrial lighting projects.  The reality is that LED technology has advanced so fast that even when upfront cost is taken into account, LED lighting is the best choice for even the largest manufacturing plants being built today. In this article, we’ll review why LED light fixtures are the ideal choice for industrial and ma … Continue reading

April 21, 2020 by Ray De Varona.

What Construction Contractors Need to Know About the CARES Act

What Construction Contractors Need to Know About the CARES Act
President Donald J. Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act) into law on Friday, March 27th, 2020.  This massive $2 Trillion aid package is intended to speed relief to the economy for the damages brought on by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  There are many excellent summaries available online that go into much more detail than what we'll be covering here but we want to focus on how this stimulus package can help America's construction industry and our many contractor customers. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) One of the bigg … Continue reading

April 2, 2020 by Ray De Varona.

Parking Garage Lighting Considerations

Parking Garage Lighting Considerations
A properly lit parking garage is not only a standard associated with user convenience, but also safety. How a parking garage is lit is one of the most important, yet underrated, aspects of effective construction. As a builder, general contractor or electrician, you must consider your parking garage lighting and ensure its properly lit by day, by night, and by area.  Contractors should carefully adhere to the following illumination standards for covered and underground parking garages so as to minimize liability and guarantee visibility. Parking Garage Light Levels … Continue reading

March 10, 2020 by Ray De Varona.

Ideal Color Temperature for Office and Industrial Spaces

Ideal Color Temperature for Office and Industrial Spaces
Color temperature plays an important role in how we perceive our environment as well as promoting productivity, and keeping the human body’s circadian rhythm balanced.  If you're contracted to light a commercial or industrial area, it’s crucial to know what color temp to pick for the light fixtures selected for each environment. What is Color Temperature Color temperature, or Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) as it is normally specified, describes the appearance or perceived color of the light that a light source generates.  Color temp is measured in Kelvins and is ty … Continue reading

January 24, 2020 by Ray De Varona.

Must-Have Light Fixtures for School Campuses

Must-Have Light Fixtures for School Campuses
School campuses require lighting solutions that are conducive to productivity and safety. The location or intended activity drives the types of fixtures needed. These fixtures also have to have a long life and offer trouble-free utility for years to come. LED Recessed Lighting Having the right lighting in a classroom setting is conducive to optimal learning. The correct lights can create a productive atmosphere for teachers as well. To ensure minimal disruption and an optimized learning environment it is best to use fixtures that reduce glare and provide the right colo … Continue reading

November 26, 2019 by Ray De Varona.

Hospital Lighting Solutions: What is Circadian Lighting?

Hospital Lighting Solutions: What is Circadian Lighting?
When most people think of lighting systems, they think of visual amplification or soft lighting for comfort, but science has discovered that lights play a big role in the synchronization of the human circadian rhythm. The comprehension of this link between light and circadian health has birthed a trend called circadian lighting. Hospitals are an environment where the promotion of health for both staff and patients is the main focus. We are now starting to understand how lighting can play a key role in patient outcomes. Whether it's corridor lighting or hospital b … Continue reading

November 8, 2019 by Ray De Varona.