Florida Energy Efficient Lighting Rebates

While replacing existing lighting fixtures with energy efficient fixtures such as T5s and T8s will certainly help reduce your electricity bill, several of Florida’s electric companies offer Florida Lighting Rebates/Incentives.  The Florida Lighting Rebates will help reduce the cost of purchasing new lighting fixtures.

Florida Power & Light  (FPL) Lighting Rebates

As of May 2012, FPL through its Interior Building program provides between 65 cents to $3 for each linear fluorescent lamp as a lighting rebate.   For more information on FPL’s lighting rebates, please go to

Progress Energy Lighting Rebates

Progress Energy will provide a lighting rebate between $1 to $5 per fixture replaced.  For more information on Progress Energy’s lighting rebates please go to

Gulf Power Lighting Rebates

Gulf Power’s Incentives for Business program will provide $ .15 per net wattage to install energy efficient florescent, and $ .30 per net wattage for LED Lighting.  Further, Gulf Power will also pay $20 for each occupancy sensor (automatic sensor control) installed as a lighting rebate. For more information on Gulf Power’s Florida lighting rebates, please go to

Florida Public Utilities (FPU) Lighting Rebates

FPU, through its Energy for Life Program, offers free energy audits and project design assistance.  FPU also has some financial incentives for various efficiency retrofits.  For more information on FPU’s lighting rebates please go to

Tampa Electric Company (TECO) Lighting Rebates

TECO is currently providing energy audits to existing facilities in an effort to reduce your company’s electricity bill.  In addition, some of TECO’s customers may also earn $175 per kilowatt (kW) reduction when replacing a current lighting system with a new, more efficient incandescent or compact fluorescent exit signs with permanent (hardwired), energy efficient LED upgrades.  Further, TECO currently provides its customers with a $25 rebate per unit when they install permanent, hardwired lighting occupancy sensors that meet TECO’s specifications.  For more information on TECO’s lighting rebates, please go to

Jacksonville Electric Authority Rebates (“JEA”)

JEA offers free energy audits and reduced cost energy evaluations to its commercial and industrial customers.  JEA customers may also receive up to $.015 per watt of reduced installed wattage for replacing existing fixtures with qualifying T8 or T5 lighting fixtures.  JEA may also provide its customers between $10 and $20 per qualifying occupancy sensor installed.  JEA is also providing incentives for the replacement of incandescent of compact fluorescent exit signs with LED exit signs.  These rebates are available for a limited time, and are on a first come first serve basis. For more information please go to

Florida Municipality and Local Government Rebates

Several of Florida’s local municipalities and governments offer modest rebates, are expediting permits, and/or are offering loans for energy efficient projects.  For more information see

Utility Company Requirements for Rebates

Utility companies often have strict requirements which must be complied with in order to obtain your Florida Lighting Rebate.  While some of the electric companies have preferred contractors that you must use in order to obtain a lighting Rebate, we encourage you to contact Relight Depot to obtain a quote for fixtures as our prices are highly competitive and we will happily work with your contractor to provide your lighting needs.   Relight Depot will also be happy to assist you in obtaining your rebate. Relight Depot provides free energy audits and layouts for your project.  Feel free to contact Relight Depot even if there are products which you need that are not on our website.  Although not currently on our website, Relight Depot sells LED Fixtures, occupancy sensors, exit signs, as well as many other products which may be subject to a Florida Lighting Rebate.
May 16, 2012 Ray De Varona

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