Stairwell Lighting

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Stairwell Lighting

Stairwell lights play an important part in maintaining a safe commercial or residential building.  Stairwell light fixtures have to provide adequate lighting for egress during emergency situations such as a building fire or power outage but also must be functional if the stairwells are used during the course of daily traffic.  There are life safety standards that govern the appropriate light leves that must be maintained for stairways.  Stairway lights can either be on 24 hours per day or be equiped with occupancy sensors so they only come to full brightness when a guest enters the stairwell.  The RP Lighting RP-4116DM series stairwell light fixture is a workhorse in this category.  With options for an occupancy sensor and en emergency battery pack, it can be used in the vast majority of stairwell lighting projects.  The built-in ultrasonic sensor option can dim this fixture when the stairwell is empty and bring it back up to full brightness as soon as it detects occupancy in the vicinity.

Stairwell lighting can also be a significant source of energy savings for commercial buildings. Stairwells are typically lit 24 hours per day and usually have a very low occupancy. Modern energy efficient stairwell lights feature sensors that can dim the stairwell lighting fixtures to save even more money when the stairwell is unoccupied and instantly turn the fixture to full brightness if it senses occupancy. Shop our wide selection of energy efficient stairway lighting below.  If you don't find the fixture you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us today.

This category is dedicated to commercial stairwell lights - the types of fixtures you would find in office building stairwells.  If you are looking for smaller residential or multi-uniit stairway step lights, visit the Step Llights and Step Light Faceplates category page to view those products.