DOE Announces New Opportunities to Improve Commercial Building Energy Efficiency

Call for Energy Efficient Commercial Building Projects
To get involved, owners and operators of commercial buildings—retail and office buildings, for example—will submit plans for projects that will upgrade new or existing buildings, and they commit to working with the laboratories and technical experts to make these buildings significantly more energy efficient. Although they receive no direct funding, owners and operators have access to state-of-the-art technical guidance to implement energy efficiency technologies throughout the design, construction, and evaluation of their building and retrofit projects. This technical expertise includes guidance with energy modeling, assessing and choosing appropriate energy efficiency measures, and energy performance verification. Online applications to the call for projects are due by May 10, 2010. Learn more about the call for projects and access the application.Request for Proposals from Commercial Building Technical Experts
Technical expert teams and measurement and verification technical contractors interested in providing technical guidance to the successful applicants to the call for projects can respond to this request for proposals (RFP). Technical expert teams need to provide a broad range of technical expertise including all or some of the following areas: architecture, engineering, HVAC and controls, daylighting, lighting, energy modeling, commissioning, building auditing and data collection, and cost estimation. Using Recovery Act funding, the participating national laboratories will contract with technical experts to provide this guidance. Completed proposals are due by May 10, 2010. Learn more about this opportunity and read the RFP. Learn more about Commercial Building Partnerships and these new opportunities at the Building Technologies Program Web site.April 21, 2010