Weekly Twitter Summary for 2010-04-16

  • New report labels the Southern states energy hogs and laggards in implementing energy efficiency measures. http://tinyurl.com/yarop7h #
  • DOE reports lack of training and awareness among bottlenecks for growth in energy efficiency jobs. Triple Pundit http://tinyurl.com/yyw9xs8 #
  • Efficiency Vermont Enhances Lighting Rebate Program. http://bit.ly/bKIRfk Get $125 to replace 400W HID with T8 or T5HO fluorescent high bays #
  • PenElec customers get $75 for a 4 lamp or $120 for 6 lamp T5HO high bay to replace old metal halide #lighting Call us to find out how. #

April 16, 2010 by Ray De Varona.