When the light eventually burns out in your fixtures, using a replacement lamp or bulb is an easy and affordable way to get them back into working condition. From high-intensity LED lamps to cover large spaces to your standard incandescent light bulb - RelightDepot has all of the lighting products you need! 

To help you find the correct lamp or bulb, here are the six main categories of light bulbs and lamps available on RelightDepot: 

  • LED Light Bulbs - The latest innovation in lighting, the LED light bulb is an energy-efficient, versatile, and long-lasting technology. Utilized in most replacements today, it's safe to say LED lighting is the future.
  • Fluorescent Lamps - The typical choice for troffer and linear lighting fixtures, the fluorescent has been in use for decades. These bright and inexpensive lamps will bring a warm and inviting light to your commercial space. 
  • Compact Fluorescent Lamps - The compact fluorescent lamp has become increasingly popular due to its energy efficiency and lifespan. These lamps can be used to replace any existing incandescent or halogen lamps for a lower operating cost.
  • HID Lamps - HID lamps are high-intensity light bulbs that will produce a large output of light for your fixture. HID lamps also produce these high outputs while using a lower amount of energy than standard lamp-types.
  • Halogen Lamps - Halogen lamps are a type of incandescent bulb that uses halogen gas to increase the bulb's light output and lifespan. These bulbs offer a more moderate light and higher performance than the standard incandescent light.
  • Incandescent Bulbs - The most standard and well-known light bulb that is available on the market. Incandescent bulbs offer a warm and welcoming light with an inexpensive price tag. 

If you need help choosing the correct lamp or bulb for your light fixtures, contact us for a guaranteed match!